Strengthening Feminist Voices: Capacity and Leadership building amongst poor Dalit
women & girl Children is the main activity for this purpose. Providing gender-
sensitive education to change discriminating cultural practices, over 6,000 women
have gained legal literacy education to challenge violence and to approach the
government to bring positive changes for the wellbeing of their communities in
order to lead their life with dignity and peace.

Leadership training was provided to 6,000 women in 200 villages and 40,000 women
were empowered to help other women in their respective villages.
In the following years, this activity was extended to women in SHGS, CBOS and NGOS
in other districts of Tamilnadu among ST and coastal communities. As a result we
have around 1,200 women and adolescent girls who have become leaders in their
own communities and formed Tamilnadu women Movement to voice out for the
empowerment of women with gender justice.